The Paradigm team combines big-picture understanding with meticulous attention to safety, procedures and compliance details. The result is flawless execution and optimized start-up. Experience the Shift…..

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We outperform so you can too

We help the most when you involve us early. Proper strategic planning is key to minimizing risk and achieving project milestones in the safest and fastest way possible. We work with your project team throughout the project lifecycle to make sure the crucial commissioning and start-up processes proceed flawlessly.

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The best commissioning and start-up team

years of experience in Energy and Resource sectors
Growth in contracts since company started in 2007
projects of various sizes managed
safety compliant: A+ Rating with ISNetworld and ComplyWorks, COR/SECOR Certified
1 Million+
hours on the job with 0 Lost Time Incidents (LTI)
Offices to Serve You better

Best people.
Best outcomes.

Our depth of experience with projects of all sizes and levels of complexity enables us to assign the right people to the job, anticipate and fix problems before they arise, and streamline processes to save you time and money. We bring a comprehensive understanding of the overall development process and how commissioning integrates with all phases of a project lifecycle.

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Over-performance professionals who simplify complexity

With over 1200+ combined years of experience in the industry, it’s rare to find a team as knowledgeable and skilled as Paradigm. We match our outstanding resources with the unique requirements of your project. We’re the future of the industry, and we’re always looking for good people.

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