Our core values at work

At Paradigm we believe in four core values that define us as a company:

1. Safety First – The well-being of our customers and our people are of top priority.
2. Environmental Stewardship – We endeavor to do no harm to the environment.
3. Ethics and Standards – We conduct ourselves with absolute integrity and comply with all laws and standards.
4. Respect for People – We treat each other with the utmost professionalism and respect.

Our clients see us as an integral part of their team, providing dynamic, high-value services that are fundamental to project success.

Our suppliers see us as seasoned leaders with a proven track record who represent the future of the industry.

Our employees see us as the employer of choice now and for the future who encourages excellence and promotes from within.

We bring our A-team to your team

Our company’s principals are your project leads. We bring a comprehensive understanding of the overall development process and how commissioning integrates with all phases of a project lifecycle. Our depth of experience enables us to assign the right people to the job, anticipate and fix problems before they arise, and streamline processes to save you time and money.

Paradigm Senior Project Manager with 45+ years experience in various commissioning, start-up positions, and major industrial projects across Canada. Craig has an Electrical Engineering background as well as a Master Certificate in Project Management.
Email: craig@paradigmtech.ca
Paradigm Senior Project Manager with 30+ years experience in commissioning, start-up, and project management for the Energy and Resource Sector across Canada. Jay completed his Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta and also holds a Power Engineering Certification.
Email: jay@paradigmtech.ca